Kurstädte - Lower Franconia 2015


Kurstädte (German for "Spa towns") once attracted many thousand people annually. Families, young and old went there to cure stress, traumas and illnesses and to breath the healthy air of the salines. Three weeks per year prescribed by the doctor, payed by the health insurance. This suddenly changed in the year 1996 when a nationwide health reform was implemented. The austerity measures included that the health insurances no longer paid for the cure vacation. For most spa towns this initiated an economic downfall which lines up with the wider trend of depopulation, desertification and lack of financial means in many rural regions.

We found abandoned spa facilities in all states of decay. The shown photographs were taken in the abandoned spa towns of Lower Franconia in 2015.

A special thanks to my dear friend Bastian who let me have an insight into this strange world.