Besi, Tres Xemeneies, Barcelona

For a photographic research project, Bennett Encke and a fellow photographer spent one month in the beautiful city of Barcelona. While working on photographic assignments for a German book publisher, Bennett Encke discovered a wealth of hidden infrastructural gems above and below the ground, which are presented in this book. The photo book is divided into four chapters: 1. Besi, 2. Tres Xemeneies, and 3. Water Reservoir, each highlighting specific key developments within the modern urban planning of Barcelona. Chapter 4 frames these discoveries within Barcelona's cityscape. Due to the recent removal of the legendary Besi-tunnel boring machine, featured in chapter one of this book, "Besi, Tres Xemeneies, Barcelona" has now gained historical significance as it documents the long-negotiated public transport plan and its challenging engineering. Through the eyes of an urban adventurer and geographical researcher with unconventional methods, Bennett Encke takes the reader on a daring journey through the hidden depths and heights of Barcelona.
72 pages, 30 x 21 cm, Hardback
Language: English
Release date: October 2023
Publisher: Bennett Encke
Limited edition of 50 exclusive copies
Price: 29,90 €
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